[Sidebar] The Worcester Phoenix
June 16 - 23, 2000
[Capsule Review]
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RETURN TO ME (2000). Chicago construction mogul Bob Rueland (X-Filer David Duchovny) and his adored Jane Goodall-esque zookeeper wife, Elizabeth (Joely Richardson), are striving to build a new habitat for her simian subjects when a tragic car accident takes her life. The heart is donated to needy recipient Grace Briggs (Minnie Driver). One year later, at an Irish-Italian restaurant, Bob runs into Grace, who's working the floor as a waitress, but the path to romantic bliss is obstructed when Grace realizes that Elizabeth was the source of her cardiopulmonary transplant. Actress Bonnie Hunt, who appears in a supporting role, also writes and directs, but she can't decide whether this is a straight-up love story or a romantic comedy. The laughs, far too sparse, are supplied by a quartet of Cupid-playing old geezers led by the venerable Carroll O'Connor (a/k/a Archie Bunker) and Robert Loggia.

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Now playing at:

West Boylston Cinemas
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